8Pairs 5-40g Golf Custom Weights Screws Fit Titleist Scotty Cameron Putter&Tool
April 24th, 2024

8Pairs 5-40g Golf Custom Weights Screws Fit Scotty Cameron Putter&Wrench. Set(x2) of 5g, 10g, 15g, 20g, 25g, 30g, 35g, 40g putter weights. Titleist Scotty Cameron, compatible with All. Delmar, Fastback 1.5, Flowback 5, Flowback 5.5, Newport, Newport 2, Newport 2.5, Squareback 2, Jetset. Phantom X5, Phantom X5.5, Phantom X5 S, Phantom X7, Phantom X7.5, Phantom X9, Phantom X9.5, Phantom X11, Phantom X11.5, Phantom X12, Phantom x 6STR. SUPER Select Newport 2. Newport Plus Button Back Putter. Newport 2, Newport 2.5, Newport 3, Newport 2 Notchback, Mallet 2, Newport 2 Notchback DB, Newport, Squareback 2, Del Mar, Flowback 5, Flowback 5.5, Newport 1.5, Newport 2 Nothcback, Newport 2.6, Newport 2DB. Golo, Golo S, Golo 5, Golo S5. Select Mid & Long. Newport 2 Mid, Golo Mid, Golo S Mid, Big Sur long, Big Sur S long. Newport, Newport 2, Newport 2.5, Newport 2.6, Fastback 1.5, Squareback 2, Laguna1.5, Laguna 2. GoLo 3, GoLo 5, GoLo 5R, GoLo 6, GoLo 5 DB. Futura X5, Futura X7, Futura X5R, Futura X7M, Futura X5 DB, Futura X7M DB. Newport Notchback 2 DB, Futura X5 DB, Golo 5 DB, Futura 6M DB, Futura X7M DB. Newport 2, Mallet 2, GoLo 5, Futura 5 XR. Del Mar, Monterey, Monterey 1.5, Sonoma. Monoblok 6, Phantom X9.5 Triple Black. Protective rubber rings seal (O rings) to avoid moisture from entering your putter weight cavity. Note: Included weights will NOT fit 2008 Studio Select Fastback 1 and Squareback 1; 2014 Select Squareback, Fastback, Roundback. Newport select M1 / M2 series. California Fastback and 2018 Select Fastback putters. Custom Weights Material: 5g, 10g, 15g, 20g Stainless Steel, 25g, 30g, 35g, 40g Tungsten steel. 8 Pairs weights (2pcs 5g/ 2pcs 10g/ 2pcs 15g/ 2pcs 20g/ 2pcs 25g/ 2pcs 30g/ 2pcs 35g/ 2pcs 40g). 1 x red wrench. It is Fast, Secure and Instant. We will follow your address listed on the. All of parcels are 100% discreet for your privacy! If items are damaged, we must be contacted within 24 hours of receipt. We will do our best to solve any problem and ensure you a pleasant shopping experience.
Tags: 5-40g, 8pairs, cameron, custom, golf, puttertool, scotty, screws, titleist, weights